Starting a New Kids That Care Club

How do I start a club?
1. Find some other students that want to form a club.
2. Fill out an application and submit it to our office, or simply send us an email with your mailing address and number of students in your group to:
3. Once we receive your application, we will connect you to one of our KTCC coordinators who will help you get started.
It’s that easy!! Start your club today!!!
Click here for an application form
Now that you have a club, what’s next?
KTCC Projects/ Awareness Campaigns
The KTCC school program has two options: 1. A school wide project, or 2. An individual classroom project. School projects may include representatives from different classes to form the Club, such as: Social Sciences, Health, Science, etc.
It is highly recommended that the students are involved in the planning and development of their projects in order to promote leadership skills and group collaboration.
The following gives some suggestions for campaigns:
- Public Awareness Campaign: Create a public awareness campaign based upon one of the SDGs that addresses the health disparities in your community, suggesting solutions to the problem.
- Video Contest: Develop a short awareness video on a public health issue; winner to be featured on KTCC and Rose Academies Facebook and Instagram pages; example: reduce NCDs with better life choices; to reduce diabetes, heart disease, lung cancer, etc.
- Debate Team Shout Out: What is being done about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, particularly #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10? How far along is your state in supporting these issues? What could be a solution to the problems? (
- Panel Presentation: Develop a presentation that addresses one of the SDGs that are important to your group and put on a panel presentation to your class
- Photography/art contest: Create art pieces or photographs that represent the one of the SDGs such as #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 or 10; contest winners’ artwork pieces to be featured in KTCC and Rose Academies Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn (
- Awareness Day: Hold an awareness day on one of the international days of observance: International Day of the Girl Child, International Woman’s Day, End Violence Against Women, Human Rights Day, International Disability Day, Menstrual Hygiene Day, etc.